
REVIEW: SKINFOOD Royal Honey Hydro Essence

6:42:00 PM

Hay there!!! How’s your weekend??? Keep stunning okay ^^
We met again on my blogpost, as my promise a view month ago, I’ll make a review from my haul. And first I’ll wrote about SKINFOOD Royal Honey Hydro Essence. If you know I have a very hydration skin, and sometimes, exfoliating T_T For this condition, I’m thinking honey product, then I found this product, and I buy a Royal Honey series ^^ I bought from Annate K-Cosmetic with pre-order system.
Okay...finish with my story, let me introduce to you....

BRAND                : SKINFOOD
Name of Product   : Royal Honey Hydro Essence
Capacity              : 50ml
PRICE                 : around IDR 170000-IDR 190000 (I cant remember -_____-)

A hydrating treatment essence with royal black honey and royal jelly extracts that replenishes moisture and transforms skin into a nice honey-glazed complexion.

[Royal Black Honey Story]
Royal Black Honey is natural raw black honey from South Asian forests, one of the UNESCO World Heritage sites. Royal Black Honey enriches with a myriad of nutrients that are amazingly good for the skin.

* To Use
After toner application, dispense a few pumps and smooth over the entire face.

A bottle made from glass, with lid pump (I love this pump model keep it sterile) Approx about 11cmx5.5cm. The bottle very clear, you can see the essence. And I love the color, its GOLD!!!!!! With “Bee” logo on the top. But too bad, the glass bottle make me so worried if I carrying on my traveling. I’m scared if this bottle will broke T__T  how if this bottle fell down from my table?? Pretty bulky I thought.

Real picture

Pump lid

'Bee' logo


Like the name, it has a honey scents, but is soooo soft, almost has no scents.
Clear liquid. Like a gel, and not sticky at all ^^ absorb well on my dry skin ^^


After a month experience, the result came. My skin more moist than before. And the exfoliating??? Knock DOWN!!!! :D  The result didn’t appear quickly, you should be patient :P And the good think is, it has big capacity, I’m using it about a month, everyday, twice a day in the morning and before sleep, still full :D. And its good from my skin, even for my sensitive skin. When I woke up in the morning, my face feel so moist ^^

  1. Big capacity
  2. Gel texture, not sticky and absorb well
  3. Almost has no scents 
  4. Cute packaging :D
  5. With that price... Worth it!!! 

  1. The bottle made from glass and pretty heavy, maybe I should buy in a travel size -_____-
REPURCHASED: Of course YESSSS!!!!!! I definitely fall’in love with this Honey product. And its fix my hydration skin.

Sooo, that was my experience with SKINFOOD Royal Honey Hydro Essence. My opinion 100% honest. The pictures above, take from my own product with my own camera.
Thank you for reading, see you on my next post.....

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8 comment

  1. waktu di indo akujuga pake ini..hihihi..pas dapet dari temen ku pulang dari korea, oleh2 gitu, ternyata di indo ada...haha...

    oh, vaseline itu? sama aja ama yang body lotionnya, tau kan yang coklat itu, tapi yang ini bentuknya gel/oil gitu..bikin glowing gitu sih, biasanya aku pake pas abis sun-bathing ( kalo pas summer)...kadang kalo kulit terlalu kering juga pake itu. oily banget sih say, i prefer body lotionnya...=D

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you sist ^^ ditunggu yang lainnya menyusul

  3. Awww botolnya pweettyyy.....
    Bulan depan aku pulang kalo sempat main2 ya he he he

  4. botolnya itu lucu banget :3

    visit my blog ^^

  5. Sya sdh cri d bbrpa tmpat d makassar tpi gak dpt2, kira2 bsa dpt d mna yh?
