

3:27:00 PM

Hayy Hayy,, have a good day :)
Today (not today,,maybe 2 days ago :p) I'm so excited because I just received my package ^^ I've been waiting for 2 or 3 weeks for this one.
For clue, this package contains with beauty products :) I bought it from online shop who give low prices than the other, you can check at Annate Shop
the owner was really nice, so patiently to answer all my question (I'm so fussy you know :D Hahaa) after a long discussion and a long BBM *sigh* I choose a products :)
I do the pre order, so I have been waiting about 2 weeks, but sadly that was closed with holiday -christmas and new year- so my order take a bit long time to delivered (time for me to being patient :p)
And someday she mention me that my order has come YaayyyyYYY!!! Cant wait to received. But before she send my order, (fussy again) I tell her to secure my order with bubble wrap, with news paper or everything that she can found. I was worry about it, because the bottle made from glass, I dont wanna received my package in pieces. I mention her like 2 or 3 times about that (hoe annoying I am). but she answer it so cool and patient :p.
Two days later I received it *high five*!!!!!
The Packaging

Full with bubble wrap :D

She wrapped one by one :p (message about samples)

Taddaaaaaaaa product from Etude House and SKINFOOD
SKINFOOD Royal Honey Series

Etude House AC Clinic White trouble
My package arrived safely ^^ that skinfood product has a glass packaging and pretty heavy, that's why I'm so worry. Thank you Yanna from Annate Shop for your kind and patiently to serve me ^^

Or maybe we can work together :D (Let me know ya) Hahaahaaaahaaa moduss.
PS: Wait for full review yaa,,maybe one or couple month later, till I have great experience with this product okay....



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10 comment

  1. ditunggu reviewnya ;)
    btw tinggal di jember sebelah mana sih? keluarga besarku dari mamaq tinggal di jember :D

    visit my blog ^^

    1. Really??? keluarga ceceu tinggal di daerah mana??
      Aku tinggal di kota ce, deket alun-alun... :)

    2. iya, ada yg tinggal di kota ada yg di desa. di desa gambirono. tw ga? xD
      klo ke jember aku jg suka main ke alun2. skrng blognya kelihatn cantik deh ^^ simple tp cantik ^^

      Join my first giveaway and win Thboxes accessories of your choice

  2. greaaaat
    xxxx have a great start into the week!
    LVE LVE LVE enjoy :)

    1. Yeah, it'll be wonderful :D
      thank you for visiting ^^

  3. I still using my Etude AC clinic lotion lho...already in 2nd bottle now..love it!!hehehe....=)

    1. Yeah I'm gonna love it too ^^
      this is my first time used this product

  4. Hi sis... aku sudah buat review tentang blogmu di blogku ya. Dicek ^^ http://www.annateshop.blogspot.com/2013/01/my-customer-review.html

    Yanna - Annateshop
