
REVIEW: SKINFOOD Buckwheat Loose Powder

1:38:00 PM

Hayy hayy... we met again in the new year....
Already January!!! I'm so exited this time because I have many cosmetic products to review, and many fashion project to realize ^^
Well, I'll start a review fromSKINFOOD product (I really fallin' in love with this brand) which is ''SKINFOOD Buckwheat Loose Powder shade #40 Lavender". I choose this brand as my favorite because they have a good ingredients, the price is reachable, and of course the PACKAGING aww ♥(>̯┌┐<)•° it sooo gorgeous (my bad habit is always tempted by a cute packaging). Well, I bought this powder from online shop called LynLynshop, you can check the website here

Brand                : SKINFOOD-Korea
Name of product : Buckwheat Loose Powder
Netto                : 23 gr
Price                 : around IDR 80K-90K (online shop)

This picture taken from SKINFOOD global website.
Buckwheat Loose Powder shade #40 lavender
The detail from the web

Infused with soft, fine pearl particles, this multi-function powder achieves a subtle, luminous finish.
Rice extract creates a clearer, incredibly radiant skin tone.

* To Use
After foundation, dap gently in following order: forehead→eyelids→cheeks→lips. Press remaining residue gently under eyes.

This powder has 4 shades:
  1. #10 Transparent
  2. #21 Skin Beige
  3. #23 Natural Beige
  4. #40 Lavender
Okk,,lets start the review....
Like I said, I always tempted by a cute packaging, and SKINFOOD did it!!!! I love vintage things, so SKINFOOD packaging fill it :D
Made from transparent rubber-glass, so you can see the powder. And the lid color is GOLD!!! I love gold color, with the cupid logo???? Aww ♥(>̯┌┐<)•° its more.....



I cant describe it completely, because it written with hangul. Things that I know is the powder contains with Buckwheat. Just googling okay, I have no idea about this Buckwheat, the only one I know is, this seeds very good for diet :D
Buckwheat seeds (taken from Wikipedia)

The powder is very smooth and soft, and the color is purple, pretty isn't it??? Although its purple, but actually its transparent, so it'll blend with your skin color. And it has a little-tiny sparkle granules, but don't worry, the sparkle very tinie-tiny, doesn't make your face bling-bling. 

Almost has no scent. But I though like a lavender, and it fresh.
Like I said before, the color is purple, but its transparent, so it'll blend with your skin. For me this powder is light, I love it. I can use it everyday, doesn't make my acne showed up :D. And its fit with my sensitive skin. 

Ohohohohohooo I love this powder, so light and even the color is purple, but doesn't make your face going white or too bright. Like I said, this powder so light so do not expect this powder will cover blemishes. I'll recommended this powder to whoever that has sensitive skin, or if you under skin healing process *like me*
Well, its not long lasting, so you'll need to caryy in your bag :)

Wanna shared??? Let me know :)

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7 comment

  1. Hey! I nominated you on Liebster Award! Check out my post and answers the questions ;)

    follow aku juga ya.. thankyou :*

  2. nice review say...i've foll u back...


  3. Just follow back your blog. Ah, i read so much posts. Bagus2 semua! Keep writing darl~

    Btw, ini bedak favoriteku. Aku beli di konter 200an, cuman repurchase via online 135rb. Kalo ada yang jual 80-90rb kasi tau ya sellernya siapa. hehehe.

  4. Dear kl km minat bs hubungi aku di 0838 empat sembilan delapan delapan kosong tujuh tujuh tujuh
    Ada lavender :) murah bgt

  5. Mau dongg dm aku yaa di instagram accont aku : mxzasha
