
CAPTURED #4 BLUE PEARL (I'm Back!!!!!!)

6:42:00 PM

Hayy everyone :D We meet again, after being very busy, I make a post just a narsis post :D just to remind you all if I'm still exist :D

Just playing with makeup....
BOLD color as usual...

Sorry for bad quality picture, using my phone camera to take this picture...

P.s: Without shading, silly me, I just remember if I skipped shading when I take a pictures :D

I hope I can make a real post next time soon....
as soon as possible :D

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1 comment

  1. Hi Dee! Found your blog and your posts about make interest me. I wanna do this makeup you posted, could you do tutorial? :))

    Btw, I would love to invite you too on my blog's first ever blog giveaway. An entry would be mean so much to me <3
    Check it here http://queenlytan.blogspot.com/2013/05/international-blog-giveaway-oasap.html#more
