
SWATCH: NYX Xtreme Lip Cream on Bonfire and Natural

5:21:00 PM

Hayy gorgeous ^^ I'm back... with another post. About my lip products that I collected. I'm a LIP JUNKIE :D always tempting with lipstick, lip gloss, lip balm *eeee not really* and lip cream. I recently fallin' in love with his kind of product, a lip cream. And I bought a Lip Cream from NYX, cosmetic brand from US. Well, for me, they had a good quality with affordable price ^^. NYX has 2 types of lip cream, first is SOFT MATTE LIP CREAM and the other is XTREME LIP CREAM. I choose Xtreme Lip Creme, shades XLC05-BONFIRE and XLC10-NATURAL, bought from Mooishe Store 

BRAND                          : NYX-USA
NAME OF PRODUCT  : Xtreme Lip Cream
AMOUNT                       : 7 ml
PRICE                            : Around IDR 70.000-80.000 depend on where you buy it

From NYX Website

From NYX 

On my hand
On my lip....
I am sooooo pale >.< with this natural shade.

 I LOVE THIS ONE!!!! sometime it looks hot pink, and sometimes turn light purple on me :D

  1. Creamy texture, if you have dry lip, you should apply lip balm first;
  2. Lovely colors, I wish I could buy every single color;
  3. Staying power, so so, just like another lip product, if you like licking your lips *like me* you should bring this lip cream wherever you go
  4. About price, well.... I cant make a decision, for some people, this product has an affordable price, but for the other its pricey ^^
For me??? I LOVE IT!!!! Like I said before, I wish could buy all the shades :D like once a month??? Maybe this products will be discontinued before I collect them :D
Anyway, thanks for reading.....  

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8 comment

  1. wow the bonfire one look so great <3
    racun sekaliii, jadi pengen coba tapi ga tau deh bakalan cocok atau engga, nice review kakak~

  2. yang bonfire kereeeenn :D
    suka lip product yg texturenya creamy ya? cobain NYX Round Lipstick deh, creammyyyy bgt hehehe

    visit my blog ^^

  3. wah bonfire nya racun niiiihhh.. bagus banget di kamu >.<

  4. Bonfire-nya bagus pas dipakai

  5. yang warna merah cnatik banget di bibirmu :)

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  6. maaf aku cuman suka gambar bibirnya
