
SWATCH: SLEEK Divine Bad Girl Palette

4:29:00 PM

Hay there... we met again^^ Such a busy month ~__~ And now another review post, well its more like swatches post :p
A several weeks ago, I bought an eye palette from some online shop, which is SLEEK i Divine Bad Girl palette . I fall'in love with their shades, bold colors :D
And.... please welcome...

Black palette like most of palette. With that SLEEK print, I love that look :)

The eyeshadow has a pattern like a waffle :D cute!!! :D 
A bit reamy, but chalky too ~__~ 
10 shades

all shades has different name
Include big mirror and double side applicator

First row *Innocence-Noir*
  • Innocence; white-shimmery
  • Gullible; nude-shimmery
  • Blade; silver
  • Gun Metal; silver with satin finish look
  • Underground; dark grey-satin finish look
  • Noir; black-matte
I'm a bit disappointed with this swatch, they look similar for me. Innocence-Gullible, Blade-Gun Metal, Underground-Noir. But, it quite pigmented even without base as you seen .
Second row *Intoxicated-Rebel*
  • Intoxicated; green-shimmery
  • Envy; Dark green with a black hint-satin finish look
  • Obnoxious; vivid blue-satin finish
  • Abyss; dark blue-satin finish
  • Twilight; purple-satin finish
  • Rebel; dark purple-matte
This second row, better than the first one. But Obnoxious-Abyss look similar too. But its okay, another shades are lovely. 

  1. Price around IDR 156000/$ 15.6 well, a bit pricey
  2. A bit creamy, but sometimes they fall out
  3. Similar shades I thought
  4. Quite pigmented
  5. It has a big mirror, love it!!
And now I will give you some spams :D a picture of my eyes... Sorry :))
True color-No editing


 Again yaa :p

 Thank you for stooping by :D keep reading my post yaa :))

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7 comment

  1. serius kak agak chalky? o_O
    padahal lumayan pricey ya..
    nice review anyway, kakak~

    1. iyaa,, pake primer yang agak cair dulu kali yaa??
      pake primer yang solid creme aja masih jatoh2 -__-
      apa mungkin karena aku pake aplikatornya yaa??? :D

  2. kebetulan lagi memang mau beli buat nemenin si oh so divine. hmm swatchnya banyak warna yang sama yaa :( padahal lagi pengen dark blue, dark green & purple. kayaknya ini pas banget..

    kalo untuk price memang segitu sih, mbak. aslinya kan $10, tapi shipping dari UK-nya itu lho. kalo beli banyak sih jatohnya murah hehe :)

    1. iya sih :D warnanya bagus ini, bold, tapi hampir sama >.<

  3. Hay Dee,

    Aku juga kebetulan baru beli Sleek I-Divine tapi yang Sparkle 2
    Kemarin itu pas dicobain ga chalky sih.. tapi pake brush
    cobain lagi deh pake brush.. atau coba pake base yang agak sedikit cair
    Btw reviewnya okeee.. thanks!!


  4. cantik makeup matanya :3

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