
REVIEW: LA TULIPE Eyeshadow Base

9:08:00 AM

Hayy hayy :) gorgeous!!! we met again, on another post ^^ do  not boring with me,, okay?!! And today post about cosmetic product review *yeeeeyy* Indonesia cosmetic brand which is La Tulipe Eyeshadow base. For Indonesia resident, you can found this product easily. And its cheap too ^^ about IDR 22000 or $ 2.2 :D

Okay, here's the look...

White plastic jar, with clear cap, so you can see inside
Halal logo, proved by MUI


White solid cream

can you see it??? transparent color, moist right???

  1. Cheap price ^^
  2. Solid cream texture, pretty hard to pick it up
  3. Has no scents
Well, this product is good, it help to make eyeshadow stay longer and more pigmented. But, based on my experience, you should patted your eyeshadow, do not wipe it. It will make a pattern on your eyelid. Like a marble *eeeeh* you know what i mean???
Sooo, that was my opinion about this product. Its a 100% honest :)
Thanks for reading ^^

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2 comment

  1. ga bikin creasing kah? pengen nyoba yg iniiiii ><
    thanks for sharing btw :)

    1. Aaaahh I got the name 'creasing' :D hahahaa semacam I lost my words
      kalau aku, apply eyeshadownya di tepuk-tepuk, kalau disapu jadinya creasing -__-
