SKY IS THE LIMIT.... (Galaxy eye makeup tutorial)
7:33:00 PM
Hayy we met again ^^ since I make a FOTD post yesterday, I dont know why I am really excited to make another FOTD pos :D
And with bonus, a simple tutorial ^^ (sorry if the pictures has a low quality, I use my phone camera to captured it) *still looking for a new camera....
Well, still join GIG Makeup Collaboration :D *really fun*
My inspiration came from Galaxy colors, dark color with a sparkling stars.....
So here we go.....
COASTAL SCENTS 88 Original Palette
Silver Glitter Powder
NYX Eye Pencil #White Pearl
ORIFLAME 2FX Mascara #Black
Red A Lipstick #606
(No primer, no makeup base)
Step by Step...
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PINK: Combine 2 colors Blue |
1. Apply purple-pink eyeshadow on the inner corner
Aplikasikan eyeshadow warna pink keunguan pada bagian dalam kelopak mata
2. Apply blue eyeshadow on the outter corner
Aplikasikan eyeshadow warna biru pada bagian luar kelopak mata
3. Blend it
4. Apply dark eyeshadow on the top of blue color, and blend it
Aplikasikan eyeshadow warna gelap diatas eyeshadow biru, baurkan
I use 3 combinations: Blue+Dark Red+Black |
5. Apply black eyeliner
Gunakan eyeliner hitam
6. Apply silver glitter all over the lid, and mascara
Aplikasikan gliter warna silver pada kelopak mata dan gunakan mascara
Apply a baby pink lipstick
Gunakan lipstick warna pink muda
And the result is........
P.S: Sorry about my acne scars (I didnt use any conceal or foundie) my skin totally break out, need some rest from makeup activity :D
Thanks for reading ^^
20 comment
bagus perpaduan warnanya dee, cakep <3
Deletenice tutorial and i simply love this look! x
ReplyDeleteVery bold!! You did great! <3 big hugs <3
ReplyDeleteaaaaa keren sekali <3
ReplyDeletewaah! I love it dear! ^_^ I haven't created this kind of look yet.. maybe someday! ^_^ Good job! ^_^
ReplyDeletewaah bagus say! selalu suka deh sama eyemakeup kamu. kreatif :)
ReplyDeletewaaah harus dicoba niy,, tpi aq punya mata panda :( takutnya klo pke aplikasi ini kyk mata tambah lelah :(
ReplyDeletepngen deh kreatif aplikasi eyeshadow :))
pake concealer dear ^^
DeleteDee! cakep banget.. hahaha keren..
ReplyDeleteMakasih dear ^^
DeleteBagus benget, aku suka warnanya^^
ReplyDeleteGalaksi eye makeup aku dari dulu pengen coba tapi ga punya glitter :'(
cobain ayoo ^^
DeleteBagus ka ^^
ReplyDeletecoba warnanya ijo *eh* hehe
oh ya ka, make up gini apa hanya bisa dipakai saat acara2 tertentu saja? semisal saat menghadiri suatu acara seperti party?
yaah, berhubung kita tinggal di Indonesia, kalau pake makeup gini buat sehari-hari nanti jadi pusat perhatian donk :)
Deletepake pas party aja ^^
Wow! So artistic :)
Nice post and blog..
ReplyDeleteAmazing make-up..
Maybe u want to follow each other?
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Love, Jackffy
cantik warnanya lho....lovvveee
ReplyDeletewoow cantik banget. mirip galaxi beneran
ReplyDeletevisit my blog ^^
Wow, pretty masha'Allah. It really looks like a galaxy o_o