
REVIEW: ETUDE HOUSE Precious Mineral BB Cream Bright Fit SPF 30/PA ++

7:09:00 PM

Hayy hayy :D I’m back!!! As my promise, today I’m gonna make BB Cream review. And the winner goes to..... Etude House Precious Mineral BB Cream Bright Fit SPF 30/PA ++ shade W13 (Natural Beige). I thought this shade match with my skin color, but after I apply to my face its a little bit brighter :p
But its okay, I know that was my false, so to correct it, I buy my compact with shade one level darker then mine :D. And its perfectly match :)
I choose this BB cream, because I read so many review about this product (I always do a research before buying a new cosmetic)  and I tought this product was fine. And this BB cream is my first korean cosmetic. 

From www.etudehouse.com

Etude House Precious Mineral BB Cream Bright Fit gives five benefits to your skin:
1. Soft and smooth skin with everyday use
2. Pearly looking skin
3. Clears up skin with daily use
4. Moisturizes skin
5. Protects the skin from harmful UV rays with its SPF30/PA++

Okay so just start with the review:

·         PACKAGING
The packaging so clean and soooo barbie (pink color).  And the lid model is a pump (I love pump model) make it still clean and steril. 

No paraben, that the first ‘thing’ I looked when I buy cosmetic. This product contains with pearl extract, that can brightening your skin.  
·         TEXTURE
The texture is creamy. I’m worry about it, because I have verry dry skin, which is doesn't friendly with creamy product. It will make my face like a mask, cant blending with my skin. But after I apply to my face, its fine, not that hard to blend (but still need a time to blend perfectly). And like I said before, I choose a wrong color, so after I apply to my face I’m waiting about 3-5 minute before applying compact. And its work :) the color slowly blend with my skin.

This BB cream has 4 shade:
N02 – Light Beige for cool and neutral skin tones
W13 – Natural Beige for neutral and warm skin tones
W24 – Honey Beige for neutral and warm skin tones
W15 – Sand Beige for neutral and warm skin tones
Even its creamy, doesn't make my face feel 'heavy'. its not dewy at all, just moist, and when I apply a compact it will be mate (dont really like a 'dewy looked'. 
·         SCENT
No scent at all.
·         COVERAGE
My skin unflawless, have a red acne scars and very dry, even sometimes flake off T_T. For my skin, this product has a medium coverage, because its didn't cover my acne well. for a flake problem, I think that was fine, because its moist my skin. Need a concealer for me. What about oil control?? I have no idea about it, because my skin very dry. If you take a look my picture after work, it looked shiny because of wet not oil :p

without concealer
Morning outdoor; after work indoor
 I feel (just I feel :p) my face become brighter than before :D
·         PRICE
The price its.... well its a bit expensive. But it have quite a lot of content, so maybe it will probably last about 4 or 6 month :p (I’m not wearing it all the time, just when my skin look horrible or go to the party)


  • Blending pretty well with my dry skin
  • Moisturize my dry skin
  • No oil
  • Long lasting
  • Easy to clean 
  • Didn't coverage my scars well
  • Price a bit expensive
REPURCHASED: I not decided yet right now, I'm thinking about Snail BB cream :D and I still searching about another BB cream that can be perfectly match with my skin. 

Sooo, this review just my opinion. And its originally by me, with my experience wearing this product about 2 or 3 month. Decided by yourself :D

PS: The pictures above original by me taken with my camera without editing or any effect.
Sorry for my english its chaos right ~~" still leraning



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7 comment

  1. Halo, aku juga udah setengah tahun pake BB cream ini dan suka banget!
    Mungkin di minus-nya kamu nulis 'a bit pricey' but imo this product actually can be considered as cheap! Ini banyak banget loh isinya. Soalnya dari agustus 2012 kemarin aku beli, sampai sekarang masih belum habis juga. Padahal aku pake ini hampir tiap hari, plus mamaku juga suka ikut pake. Itu kalo menurut aku loh yaaa :)

    Anyway, Jember isn't a village. My uncle said, "Jember is a city because we have 7 traffic lights here." =))
    The best of all, Jember doesn't have traffic jam. Kemana-mana cepet. Cukup sejam, udah bisa ke beberapa toko atau tempat. Hehehe. :D

    Salam kenal yaaaa :)

    1. Kalau beli di counter harganya lumayaaaaan :D
      Yess,Jember is about to grow up,,for me, I still love jember as a village. terdengar sejuk :D

      Salam kenal juga galuh :)

    2. Hoooo, kamu beli di counternya langsung kah? Kalo di counternya langsung emang sadis banget harganya, bisa dua kali lipat. T____T

      btw aku follow blogmu yaaa :)

    3. iyaaaaaa T_____T
      pas ke surabaya beli,,ternyata di olshop jauh harganya >.<

      udah akuu follback dear X.O.X.O

  2. aku gapake ini BB Cream lagi soalnya oil control nya poor banget buat kulitku, apalagi kalau wajah udh oilu malah dekil jadinya wajah XD

