
REVIEW: La Tulipe Eye Makeup Remover

5:00:00 PM

Hyy gorgeous ^^ I'm back, after a week disappear *not disappear like that* I'm waiting my new camera arrived, so I do nothing on blogging, just play with layout *again* hahahaa sorry gorgeous, I cant stop with it, even when I'm doing a lot of mistake :p
Sooo, how's about my layout??? still vintage, but more RETRO :D forgive me okay, because my layout so annoying >.<
Okay, lets move the topic, that match with a tittle above. I wanna make a review *yeyy* I bought a new camera, with a good quality picture, better than the older one :)
Stay focus with the review Dee..... -__- Okay, today's review, its about Indonesian brand called La Tulipe. My sister, using this brand, whole series, from a moisturizing till a olive cream. For Indonesian resident, this brand can easily to find out. Available on every makeup store and counter. And here's the detail...

BRAND                          : La Tulipe - Indonesian
NAME OF PRODUCT : Eye Make Up Remover
CAPACITY                    : 60 ml
PRICE                           : Around IDR 15000 / $ 1.5

The Box....

Ingredients. Expired date. HALAL logo, approved by MUI

 The bottle.....

Liquid. You just need to pour on a cotton pad. And swipe your makeup, for eye and lip also ^^ multifunction right???

Swipe once
Swipe 5 times

Swipes.... Swipes... and swipes.... and my hands turn red -____-

  1. Soooooo cheap ^^ hohohoho
  2. Available every where
  3. You need to rub it slightly, because eyes and lip are so sensitive
  4. Tiny bottle, easy handling
Soooo, this is a local brand of Indonesia that has affordable price, I love it!!!!
Thank you for reading :) see you on my next post :)

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7 comment

  1. thanks dearr uda mampir and follow blog aku hihi..
    aku udah follow back kamu yaa ;) met knall anywayy


  2. aku tetap suka gambarnya yang gedeeee ini ^^
    jadi jelas, Mbaknyaaa

  3. hi Dee,aku nominasiin kamu buat Liebster Award.
    cek disini ya :)

  4. I loved it too :)
    very recommended lah yaa

  5. thats a good review..thanks for sharing.love...
    aw...yeah, winchester brothers...haha,,dulu juga suka nonton supernatural, tapi uda ga ngikutin belakangan ini...iya Dee..hunting vintage di sini asyik..so fun..hehe..
    thanks for a nice comment yaaa..


  6. Will buy it next month :)
    thanks for the review.

  7. aku gag suka :( menyesal beli itu :'(
    perlu berkali2 gosok,
