
WAIT!!!!!! Another Liebster Award ^^

4:33:00 PM

WAIT!!!!! I've been nominated on Liebster  award again ^^. Thankyou for lovely Rezki for nominating me. You are so kind.
I'm a newbie on a blogging world. And also on makeup thing (even thought my mother was a makeup artist >.<). I love make a review product, and share with people around the world. I hope I could connect with other blogger and I can help you all trough my blog. Thankyou again Rezki ^^

So, this is my answer for her questions:

1. What's your 3 makeup item that you can't go out with?   
Moisturizer, powder and lipstick/lipgloss/liptint
2. What's your makeup style? 
3. Nude lips or bright lips? 
4. Eyeshadow or eyeliner? 
5. What's your favorite foundation and concealer? 
Revlon for foundation and Skinfood for concealer
6. When exactly you start wearing makeup? 
About a few years ago when I start working
7. How old are you?
8. How would you describe yourself?
Simply human being
9. Who's inspire you the most?
 I'm a big fan of Ir. Soekarno (Indonesia first president)
10. What's your favorite movies all the time?
The Departed
11. What do you wish for yourself in 2013?
Being a success lady and open my own restaurant :p 

And my turn to give 11 question for nominated, and they are:

The Questions is:
  1. Do you treatment at beauty clinic or just do it at home?
  2. What your skin type?
  3. Choose, fashion or makeup?
  4. Tempting with packaging or color?
  5. Do you wearing a night cream?
  6. How many lipstick that you have? 
  7. For eyeshadow, bright color or dark color?
  8. Gel eyeliner, liquid eyeliner or pencil?
  9. Being sexy or cute?
  10. Shopping alone or with boyfie?
  11. Traveling or shopping?

Enjoy and answer my questions, and dont forget to linkback to me ^^

I've got another award from the pretty fellas Yani ohohohoooo the 3rd I thought, so I'll answer 11 question from her in this update :)
11 pertanyaannya adalah.... 
  1.  Apa yang kamu suka dari makeup? Make me different :D 
  2. Bagian wajah mana yang paling kamu suka? Mata 
  3. Flat shoes atau Wedges? Why? Flat shoes, karena nyaman buat jalan kaki *maklum hobby jalan kaki kemana-mana 
  4. Alat makeup apa yang wajib dipake sehari-hari yang bisa bikin kamu ga pede kalo ga pake itu? Powder a.k.a bedak 
  5. Kalau kamu dapat tiket gratis, kamu mau pergi ke daerah mana dan kenapa? Jepang..... Pengen ketemu doraemon, kupeluk-peluk trus kubawa pulang :p 
  6. Maybelline or NYX?  NYX
  7.  Lebih suka pake lipstick atau lipgloss? andalan kamu? Lipstick, Revlon 
  8. Kalau gak ada kerjaan, hal gila apa yang pernah kamu lakukan buat ngehabisin waktu? pas masih kuliah pernah nongkrong di halte berdua, cewe-cewe, pegang helm, sekitar 2 jam diem-dieman gag ngobrol sama sekali XD 
  9. Siapa yang jadi panutan makeup kamu? Gag ada yang jadi panutan, kalau suka dengan gaya makeup seseorang yaa aku ikutin :p 
  10. biasanya dandan kemana aja?? hehe Kalau ke kondangan aja 
  11. Harapan buat 2013? Buka bisnis sendiri, Amien....
Thank you again Yani I hope we could connect each other.

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4 comment

  1. thanks for the award ^^
    aku uda pernah dpt award ini..hehe

    btw, uda d follow back ya say :)


  2. iyaa iyaa tengkyuuu
    yaaa maklum newbie ^^ jadi follower masih dikit...
