

4:09:00 PM

Thank you gorgeous NanCY for nominating me on Liebster Blog Award. I am so honored. She is really kind and pretty. Has many talent, with a fashion and beauty things. She make me proud being an Indonesian, she love our culture. You should chek her blog, and you will be tempting with her creation.
Thankyou again Nancy ^^

In this award, you should to answer 11 questions from person who's nominating you (dont forget to Link them back). Next, you should nominating 11 blog (with less 200 followers), mention them and give them 11 questions. So, that's it ^^

And this is my answer to NanCY questions:

1. Do you apply your foundation with a brush, sponge, or fingers?
2. Do you apply your eyeshadow from light to dark? or dark to light?
Light to dark
3. Do you prime your eyes?
4. Concealer first, or after foundation?
Concealer first
5. Go for manicures, or manicure yourself?
Manicure by myself
6. Exfoliate lips, face or both?
7. On average, how long does it take you to do your makeup?
10-15 minutes
8. Do you wear makeup everyday and everywhere?
Just a moisturizer and powder for everyday,,and a bit hard makeup only when I came to the party
9. What’s your weakness? Shoes, purses, clothes, jewelry, eyeshadow, lipstick or other?
Shoes, bags, clothes, eyeshadow, Lipgloss is a most. 
10. Do you whiten your teeth?
11. Favorite makeup brand?
SKINFOOD-Korean Brand, REVLON and SARIAYU-Indonesian Brand

And my turn to give 11 question for nominated, and they are:

The Questions is:
  1. Do you treatment at beauty clinic or just do it at home?
  2. What your skin type?
  3. Choose, fashion or makeup?
  4. Tempting with packaging or color?
  5. Do you wearing a night cream?
  6. How many lipstick that you have? 
  7. For eyeshadow, bright color or dark color?
  8. Gel eyeliner, liquid eyeliner or pencil?
  9. Being sexy or cute?
  10. Shopping alone or with boyfie?
  11. Traveling or shopping?
Enjoy and answer my questions, and dont forget to linkback to me ^^


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4 comment

  1. waahh...thanks for responding, dear...=)

    interesting answer!i enjoy reading it...=)


  2. hi :D
    thx for ur tagged ya..
    i've answered ur questions
    visit here:

  3. thx sista..
    i've answer ur questions too


  4. hi akhirnya aku selesai juga. thanks ya ;D
