
SAMPLE (FIRST IMPRESSION): ETUDE HOUSE Baking Powder Cleansing Foam Moist

8:13:00 PM

Hayy hayy J we meet again. Wooooo, rainy outside,  so I have nothing to do. Honestly, I have a plan, want to go DVD rental to borrow a SPIDERMAN 4. Believe me, I’m not watching that movie, yet. Because my hometown have no a Movie teater when SPIDERMAN 4 premier T___T. But, rainy weather make me very lazy to come out -____- so I decide to make some post, a review post :D
And now, I will make a sample review (not a full review, just first impression). And the winner goes to.... ETUDE HOUSE Baking Powder Cleansing Foam Moist.

I’ve got this sample, when buying something at online shop (cant remember which one -____-) this sample has 4 ml capacity. I never using it before, so lets start with the story....


Cremy texture and sticky *eeughhh. I mean very sticky, not like a foam that I use before. With a citron or lemon scent and I dont like it (fresh but to...... I dont know I just didnt like it).


It looks like a mask :p maybe I should use this sample for two time, but I use it once :D


So, I just wait untill 10 minutes then I wash my face with a cold water. And the final result my face feel shaggy -____- I dont like it, I more prefer foam that can make my face soft and sleek after I wash it off.

After I try this sample, my impression was dislikes ~________~
I dont like the scent, and the texture and the final result.
But, this cleansing foam has a moisturizer, and moist my skin ^^

PURCHASE: Definitely NOPE :)

This first impression based on my experience and 100% honest.

Thanks for reading ^^



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2 comment

  1. aku pake yang full sizenya, lumayan sih, tapi sekarang ganti ke neutrogena. emang sedikit aneh di kulit sih..huhu..but this is a great review!!=)

    1. aku gag suka >.<
      bikin wajah keset,texturenya juga lengket banget...
