

7:56:00 PM

Hayy hayy ^^ its me, again here, on my blogpost :p
Well, a view days ago, I received a package from Miss Tammy COASTAL SCENTS INDONESIA. She sent me a sample of mica pigment shade Chrome Carmine ^^ I'm so excited!!!! I never tried a pigment before. So I will make a simple review and swatches with this pigment....
*thanks to Miss Tammy ~hugs~

Detail from website:

A glistening, mauve hue with golden sparks. Safe for use on eyes, lips, face, and nails.
Sample size: approximately 1 tsp in a clear bag (about 4.2 gr)
Price: IDR 59000  

Sample size, about 1 tsp = 4.2 grams came with clear plastic-clip bag.
Real picture
I put it in the jar...


Pretty pink color ^^ well, I'm not a pinky lady, but I love this color, because its mix with gold :D the sprinkle soooo soft and extreme. Hohohooooo you can use it as shimmering.

On my finger....

On my hand...

Pigmented color.... only swatch it once....
Now onto my eye.....

without eye primer can you see the color??
without eye primer
Combination of soft pink and gold, quite similar with my skin tone..... or, my camera isn't working properly -____-
The real thing is, this pigment give me two dimension colors. Soft pink and gold. Sometimes it looks pink, and sometimes it looks gold. I love this dimension ^^
When I use it as a shimmering,, cool!!!! I love the sprinkles, not that extreme as I thought ^^
And also you can use it on your lips, here a simple tips...
You just need a vaseline, put some and mix it together...

Apply on your lip....

First picture : with flash, pink color ^^
Second picture : with flash, but failed angle/backlight :D gold appear ^^

  1. Good pigmented
  2. Very soft powder, didn't scratch my skin
  3. Give me two-dimension color,LOVE it!!!! but I think the gold....dominated :p
  4. About staying power, you should use eye primer to make it more lasting, its a powder right??
  5. Price, a bit pricey for sample size
REPURCHASED: I think I will,, wanna try another shades ^^
Go and check the website, they have a promo till 28 February, you will get this pigments for free if you ordered Mineral products or skincare products for minimal purchased IDR 300000 ^^

So, that was my opinion about this products. Even though I got it for free, but my opinion 100% honest based on my experience.
Do you have an experience with this pigments?? share with me...
Thanks for reading ^^


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13 comment

  1. Beautiful color! What a pretty, versatile product.

  2. Hi sweetie, new follower here :-D Really like your blog and think you would be a great addition to our Aloha Friday Blog Hop. It is a great way to meet other bloggers, get some exposure for your blog and find new readers and followers. Feel free to stop by anytime and join us :-D Happy Valentines Day !

    xoxo Pakize (Keke)


  3. wow, pigmented banget ya >_< aku suka juga pigments nya nyx <3 hhi
    makasih kakak udah mampir ke blog aku, I looove your blog and followed you back kak~

  4. whoaaaa crazy! i've been looking for this kind of color for so loooongggg .. since i saw a girl wearing this, pink with gold shimmer on her lips, and i'm exactly falling in love but i can't stop her just to ask what did she wear LOL

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