
REVIEW: SKINFOOD All Over Muffin Cake Finish

9:22:00 PM


A few days ago, I bought this product, All Over Muffin Cake Finish shade #1 strawberry Honey Muffin, from SKINFOOD. I really love this brand, my favorite Korean brand. I really wanted this one from a long time ago since I see it on SKINFOOD WEBSITE. But I have some financial problem *spending too much money for cosmetics -____- so, I bought this product a few weeks ago from Silvia Andromeda Tsukino (Silvia's Room). That was pre-order products, but you no need to wait for a long time, just a week (usually pre-order, needs 2-3 weeks) ^^
Well, please wellcome ^^

BRAND                  : SKINFOOD
NAME OF PRODUCT : All Over Muffin Cake Finish shade #1 Strawberry Honey
NETTO                  : 16 gr
PRICE                   : Around IDR 150.000 (cant remember how exactly)

Real Picture
Available in 5 shades:
#1 Strawberry Honey Muffin
#2 Choco Brownie Muffin
#3 Gold Banana Muffin
#4 Vanilla Peach Muffin
#5 Cocoa Cream Quarter Muffin

Detail from Website:
This unique finish pact is made with 3 marbled colors baked in a pan!
Its natural, sophisticated color and subtle shimmer gold pearl create a dazzling look with depth, and its pale pink color provides a radiant finish.

* To Use
Apply evenly onto face or lightly onto T-zone and cheeks, using enclosed brush.


Include the brushes at the bottom

The brushes was on bottom 'orange' container


The Packaging made from cardboard, with 'baked' chocolate color, and those motif. Soooo vintage.... I LOVE IT!!!!!!! The transparent lid with GOLD letter and muffin logo, looks really good and delicious :p. You can see the marble pattern clearly. Its already came with the brush, well, the brush was good but a bit rough, so the powder pretty hard to catch and harm for my face. 
I cant explain to you -_____- have no idea about it.
I choose shade Strawberry Honey, so the scent just like strawberry. Like a muffin aroma too, or candy. Completed. Sweet and fresh ^^ ( I wanna taste it :p)
I cant captured swatches picture, my camera didn't want work with me ~___~ So this just a zoom from the shimmering 'muffin'.

--------- UPDATE---------
After tryin' so hard, take a lot of pictures with any camera and angle, I've got this SWATCH on my hand (but stil... sorry about low quality pictures T__T).
*On My Hand
Did you see the glitter???? -____-

Another angle (tinie tiny glitter -____-)

Goldie glitter (can you see it??)
*On My Face
I use it as highlighter on my cheekbone, T-zone and chin. Did you see it???
Ooooooh, the images quality is really bad T_______T

Although the color is pink, but didn't showed up like blush on (goldie I thought), just make my face shimmering and glowing (like luminizer). The shimmer not that extreme so you can wearing at the sunny day. Used it on T-zone, cheek bone, forehead and chin. Apply it in the end of make up ritual.

  1. Vintage packaging off course;
  2. The shimmer so humble, you can wearing all day long;
  3. Included brush;
  4. love the scent;
  5. The price, worth it
  1. Pretty big packaging, you should bring a big pouch;
  2. The brush a bit rough;
  3. The brush container, easily to open, sometimes opened itself.
REPURCHASED: YESS!!!! I love this product, I wearing about a few days and I already Love it, the aroma was really gooooooood....

Well, that was just my opinion based on my experience. So, just shared with me if you wearing this product too ^^



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