

9:28:00 PM

Hayy,hayy.... Tonight, I wanna shared about my problem T__T
My intentions to always look flawless, looks smooth....
and to make it happen I put some cosmetic products which the function is to cover the shortfall in the face. Like  a concealer, a BB cream, a foundation even a shimmering, etc. Well, I was pretty satisfied with the results of usage, because it makes my face look smooth, but eventually my face as shows irritation. Acne begins to appear, blackheads and skin is peeling as well. The acne does not show up at one time, just one by one, but appear alternately. The old has not healed, the new has come up T____T yet again stains that were left. 
The blackheads are also compact appearance along with acne. Yet again the peeling skin (even though I diligently use a moisturizer) my face so dull T_______T 

Its broke me (hiperbolic right??? :D)

And finally I decided to rest my skin.
I stopped wearing concealer, bb cream etc, for daily activities (even to work) only use the product if there is a special event. For everyday I only put sunblock and skincare (such as essence and moisturizer) and just put a light powder. I also rested my eyelashes from mascara attacks are always tempting. Because I feel my lashes become thinner and thinner. Some of my customers told me that I was different, some said that I look pale, others say I look innocent like a schoolgirl :D and others say that I look better without makeup ♥(>̯┌┐<)•°

Well, my face without makeup does look flat, pale, and look like kids. I was initially excited when someone says I look like kids, (a while ago when I see the doctor, she asked me am I going to school, so she could make a sick permits for me --" I'm 25 y.o) but eventually I was sad too. I want to look like at my age, so I put a little make-up to make it happen. That why I thought that I'm needed makeup. But it looks like my face was not ready for that.... you know....... a makeup things....
But still, I am very excited when entering the cosmetics store. Wanna buy this, buy this, that, those, all of it :D

What about you???



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6 comment

  1. sabaarr yah..libur dlu dandannya..^^
    penting wajah adem dlu :))

    follow back yah ^^

    1. iyaaa T_T bener-bener gag nyentuh makeup....

      Thank you sist ;)
      Already follow your blog

  2. wah, you so cute,,,thanks for following me...i followed back!=)

  3. get well soon dear T__T rajin2 masker aja :)
    followed you back! thankss


    1. Thankyou dear...
      yeah,, sekarang bener2 proses healing,,kemana-mana tanpa makeup

      thankyou for follow me back
